
Current Issue of theHumm

Norman Takeuchi: On The Edges Of Noh

Norman Takeuchi was profiled by Sally Hansen in the February 2004 issue of theHumm. This month Richard Skrobecki (owner of Almonte’s General Fine Craft, Art & Design) discusses Norman’s background and his recent work, which will be exhibited at the gallery for most of February. Read on >

Everything's Coming Up Dandelions!

Local food and healthy living are the focus of the Humm's February profile of newly opened Dandelion Foods in Almonte. Get a taste for this new worker-owned co-op in the recipe for Dandelion Greens shared in this issue and posted to the Local Recipes page.

While you're there, homemade meusli (from Castor River Farm), Kale Chips (from Bloomfield Farm), Pancakes with Maple Syrup (from Fortune Farms) or Feta Goat Burgers with Mint (from Wildrose Country Homestead) might also whet your appetite for something tasty made with local ingredients.

Raised on Robbery
By Steve Scanlon, Columnist, theHumm

I changed jobs recently and, shortly after I started, the business I was working for was broken into and robbed. I won’t go into detail — suffice to say money was stolen, police were called, and fingerprints taken. There is nothing funny about being robbed; it felt like a lead weight dropping in the pit of my stomach. It makes you realize that the world, at times, just plain sucks.

Now here’s the weird thing about being robbed. It took me completely by surprise. I didn’t see it coming and I wasn’t prepared for it. Twenty years ago I would have expected it. I still wouldn’t have liked it much, but I wouldn’t have been as gobsmacked as I was. Read on >

Love and a Tiara (and a Cookie)
By John Pigeau, Columnist, theHumm

I just read something cute that made me smile. It was this: “All you need is love… and a tiara. And maybe a cookie.” That’s keepin’ it pretty simple, huh? It’s nice to keep things simple these days, I think. And it’s also good to smile, that’s for sure. So in the spirit of that sort of thinking, and with the New Year now upon us, I’d like to share with you a few things I would like to do in 2014 — you know, to make it a good one. Nay, a great one! Read on >

Styles I Wish Would Go Away in 2014,
By Linda Seccaspina, Columnist, theHumm

Any opinions and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author and should not be construed as representing the opinions of theHumm. Heck, they might even enjoy flipflops. Fashion is a cycle: some trends come and stay, while others need to disappear.

I would be thrilled if flip flops would leave the daily footwear scene. If you're not a lifeguard, or 50 feet from a beach, for the love of god, please wear something, anything else. Read on >

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September 2024

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