Hiking Guide to the Fall Foliage Trifecta - theHumm September 2021
Hiking Guide to the Fall Foliage Trifecta - theHumm September 2021
By Vickie Walsh
If you’ve enjoyed the summer outdoors then don’t stop now, because the best hiking season is yet to come.
Have you noticed the sumac and maples turning red in mid-August?! Signs of change, and that’s alright because fall and winter are actually my most favourite times of year to hike in our area. It’s quieter, peaceful, and most importantly — no bugs. It’s also a wonderful season to catch sunset and sunrise views from the trails.
There are three types of fall hikes that you’ll find in and around the Ottawa area to enjoy — I call them the fall foliage trifecta. There are of course the trails that boast those incredible vista views, which are the ones that we all tend to rush to once the leaves start turning. Then there are the total forest immersion trails — the ones that cover you with a ceiling of red, orange and yellow hues. And last, but certainly not least, are the marshes of gold. We certainly have an abundance of them, most with boardwalks that allow us to venture out to witness those golden yellow hues that then tend to turn (like the larches at Mer Bleu) to a fiery red from the sumac bushes.
Whether you’re hiking in your own area or taking a road trip to find new-to-you trails, there is plenty to enjoy. The hikes listed below offer incredible and colourful landscape views. They are the perfect backdrops to meditate, count your blessings, share with friends, enjoy a picnic, or photograph.
You can find more information on these trails at girlgonegood.com or by searching online for the information directly from trail managers. They are also listed, along with 190+ other trails, in the new Guide to Hiking Trails in Ottawa + Region. That book is available at girlgonegood.com , Mill Street Books in Almonte, and Up Wellness in Smiths Falls.
Frontenac County
Palmerston-Canonto Conservation Area in North Frontenac has 7km of trails and features two vista lookouts, lake views and a public beach. The trails are very well marked with short spurts of elevation gain.
Kennebec Wilderness Trails in Central Frontenac near Arden has 7km of trails and features wooded areas, meadows, creeks, a pond and benches along the path to rest. The trails are very well marked with short spurts of elevation gain.
Lanark County
Blueberry Mountain at CliffLAND in Flower Station has a 5km trail with incredible vista views of the valley and a brand new bench to rest on at the summit. The trails are well marked with informative signs along the way describing the flora and fauna.
Leeds + Grenville County
Limerick Forest in Oxford Station near Kemptville has over 180km of trails and features an interpretive trail, boardwalks, marsh views. It is an excellent spot for trail running and families, and it is dog friendly.
Charleston Lake Provincial Park in Lansdowne offers Tallow Rock trail as a moderate 10km hike with multiple viewpoints and a floating bridge. There is also Quiddity Trail for an added 2.5km to a lookout over the park.
Lennox & Addington County
Rose Hill Nature Reserve near Denbigh has four different trails and features pond views, lake views and a memorial rock.
Sheffield Conservation Area located in Stone Mills offers a 4.5km trail through rugged terrain and features granite outcropping, lake views, two lookouts and stargazing.
City of Ottawa
Morris Island Conservation Area near Fitzroy Harbour has 6km of trails and features river and island views, accessible trails and facilities, birding and forestlands.
Marlborough Forest in Marlborough has 27km of trails and features a large pond view, wood bridges, wood structures, and is rich in flora and fauna.
Mont Morisette in Blue Sea has 11km of trails and features a 12m tower with 360° views, a fire tower and a second lookout. You can drive or hike to base of tower, which is an excellent spot for sunrise-watching.
Forêt Bowman in Bowman has a 5km trail that features six grottos, three vista lookout points on Montagnes de la grottes, a picnic area and a lake with a dock at the trailhead.
Montagnes Noires de Ripon in Ripon has 21km of trails and features a vista lookout and a 12m tower with 360° panoramic views. You can drive or hike to base of tower and it is an excellent spot for sunsets.
Prescott-Russell County
Nokomis Park in Limoges has a 1km trail through the wooded area and features a small picnic area.
New York Central Fitness Trail in Russell has a 7km paved trail that is great for bikes, rollerblades, wheelchairs and strollers. Nearby you’ll find the J. Henry Tweed Conservation Area.
Renfrew County
Wabun Lake in Calabogie offers either a 1.5km steep hike to the lookout or a 18km loop by Limestone Lake and Sugar Mountain. This trail is not well marked and uses forest roads and ATV trails.
Deacon Escarpment Cabins, Camping and Trails Ltd. near Golden Lake has 30km of trails and features a wonderful lookout, multiple trails, private lake with canoes, and cabin rentals.
Stormont, Dundas, & Glengarry
Glengarry Trails in Alexandria has 15km of trails and features boardwalks, marsh views and minimal elevation.
Reveler Conservation Area near Chrysler and Embrun has a 3km trail and features forestlands, sumac, wildflowers and an easy trail that is family-friendly and dog-friendly.
A kind reminder to always hike within your limits, to carry the “10 essentials”, and to engage in responsible recreation. Fall hiking also requires us to be aware of hunting season, wear bright clothing, and abide by any trail closures. Find more hiking tips at girlgonegood.com .
Take Back the Night 2021! - theHumm September 2021
By Submitted Lanark County Interval House
For the past 14 years, Carleton Place has hosted a meaningful Take Back the Night march, joining hundreds of thousands of supporters Canada-wide. We march together in solidarity to demand that a woman’s right to walk our streets safely be upheld. We remember and honour the women and children who have been taken at the hands of violence and those who live with violence every day.
This year’s event will be held on Thursday, September 16. The gathering begins at 6pm in the park behind Car......
Auni Milne —Not Millinery, But Hang onto Your Hat! - theHumm September 2021
By Sally Hansen
Viewed from any angle, Auni Milne’s life is an ever-evolving adventure. And her art is the same. This multifaceted artist is in the process of adding sculpture to her artistic repertoire, and early results predict another successful phase of this talented woman’s career.
Until recently Auni has augmented her full-time occupation as a graphic designer by drawing with graphite and charcoal, and painting with watercolours and acrylics. Most of her canvases depict her fascination with human and othe......
26th Annual Fibrefest - theHumm September 2021
It is that time of the year again — when Almonte is normally crowded with fibre artists and fibre arts enthusiasts. This year, however, due to the limits on social gatherings and with an eye towards public health recommendations, Fibrefest is a primarily virtual Festival of the Fibre Arts.
The market and shopping portion of Fibrefest is postponed until September of 2022, but organizers hope you will join in online, throughout September, to take part in workshops, watch virtual demonstrations, atten......
MERA is Alive and Well! - theHumm September 2021
MERA (McDonalds Corners & Elphin Recreation & Arts) has survived the lockdown and various restrictions, and is delighted to be heading into the fall with a slate of concerts, art shows and more. Here’s a round-up of what’s coming up:
Masks and Art Show
Third time lucky! This outdoor art exhibition has been rescheduled from May to June and now to Saturday, September 18. The contributing artists have had more time to make amazing creations, and now organizers......
5 Wednesdays — the Harvest Edition September Concerts in Augusta Street Park - theHumm September 2021
With vaccination numbers rising and restrictions easing, it is now possible to resume doing what Mississippi Millians do best — gather in community to celebrate local music and food! And with the happy coincidence of there being 5 Wednesdays in September this year, the Neighbourhood Tomato Community Farm is organizing a series of free events in Almonte’s Augusta Street Park called 5 Wednesdays — the Harvest Edition!
Concerts and a Big Sing!
Come on out to the park every Wednesday in September evening from 6–7pm and enjoy a free concert by fabulous local mus......
Carleton Place Fine Art Show & Sale - theHumm September 2021
On Saturday, September 11 and Sunday, September 12, Arts Carleton Place presents their Fine Art Show and Sale at the Canoe Club at 179 John Street. The show runs from 10am to 4:30pm each day, and both parking and admission are free.
As the end of summer nears and the leaves make the transition to the stunning autumn auburns and golds, come out for a feast made up of the beauty and artistry of 22 juried artists from across the region and explore the works of va......
OUTERBRIDGE: Rekindling the Magic - theHumm September 2021
Back in 2018, Ted and Marion Outerbridge had just moved themselves and their award-winning magic show OUTERBRIDGE — Clockwork Mysteries to Smiths Falls. There they found a wonderful home for themselves, and a perfect venue for their show at the Station Theatre. After a wonderfully successful summer season they were probably making all sorts of plans for 2020… when everything ground to a halt. But with restrictions easing this summer, the Outerbridges have jumped back into high gear with shows ......
Back to the Land Outdoor Learning in the Valley - theHumm September 2021
By Sarah Kerr
The longest days of the year are now in the rearview mirror of the bright yellow school buses that wind their way along each country road of the Valley, collecting eager and anxious kids for what we’re hoping will be a “normal” school year. Students bump along in seats, spotting glimpses of the rust, orange and brown leaves out the windows, gripping their new backpacks while breathing deeply under freshly washed masks.
After a year-and-a-half of homeschooling, it certainly fee......
Metal Forming Techniques Workshop - theHumm September 2021
If you’ve ever wanted to be a Maker, David Ivens is offering the opportunity to work in copper, brass, bronze, aluminium and silver to create everything from beer steins to candlesticks; jewellery to garden ornaments. Workshops take place on Saturdays starting in October at David’s studio at 3064 Calabogie Road in Springtown, and cost $150 per day plus materials.
David writes: “The studio will be open on Saturdays for individuals to come and work at their own pace on projects under my tutelage and g......
North Frontenac Back Roads Studio Tour - theHumm September 2021
This September, the North Frontenac Back Roads Studio Tour will be going ahead for the eighth consecutive year. Last year the Tour took a chance and went ahead despite Covid. The route was a little shorter than usual with artists showing in fewer locations. Only artists who could exhibit in an outdoor space and who felt comfortable doing so participated. It was felt that given where Covid was at the time, and the safety protocols that could be put in place, they would give it a try. Organi......
Expanding Comfort Zones - theHumm September 2021
By Christine Row
Four sweet girls bounced into the Almonte Branch of the Mississippi Mills Library one morning in July. They had registered for what they thought was the 3D printing workshop. Turns out that there was a scheduling mix-up, and LEGO robotics Sumo wrestling was on the schedule for the day. With some hesitation, the girls agreed to give the LEGO wrestling a go.
Throughout the three-hour workshop, the girls built their sumo-wrestling robots. They designed their personalised Sumobots using LEGO robotic......
Orange Shirt Day in Perth - theHumm September 2021
Orange Shirt Day has become an annual time to remember the Indigenous children who attended Residential Schools. The first residential church-based schools were established in the 1830s. In 1883 the federal government residential school system was established, and in 1920 government policy made it mandatory that indigenous children be removed, often forcibly, from their homes and communities to attend the schools. The Truth and Reconciliation Report called this policy “cultural genocide,” as the policy was designed to destroy the Indigenous way of life. The policy resulted in enormous suf......
Here We Go Again, Back Where We Were! - theHumm September 2021
By Glenda Jones
…And aren’t we glad! September has always been “first day of school”, no matter that school is eons behind us. There’s anticipation for new activities, new connections, and new adventures. For kids, the mere fact they can be in a classroom again must be exciting beyond belief! We were in Staples and school supplies were being tossed in carts, and I couldn’t help sneaking a peak at new pencil crayons, always the best treat for Day One of school.
I’m sure when team sports gear up again, dads won’t even complain about dragging little hockey players to the arena on a Saturday morning, the......
New Season for Almonte Lectures - theHumm September 2021
By Glenda Jones
What started as a tentative trial last spring was so successful for the Almonte Lectures that a new season of Zoom presentations is already in the works. The lectures will proceed as in the past, on the last Friday of the month starting at 7:30pm, when participants can settle in to their own easy chairs at home to see the lecture and follow-up Q&A session. The familiar “donation basket” will still be apparent, but it’s a small “donate” button on the website rather than our usual basket.
Not being bound by geography, organizer Warren Thorngate has been able to assemble an interest......
6th Annual Delta Harvest Festival - theHumm September 2021
The 6th annual Delta Harvest Festival will be a two-day event this year, taking place on Saturday, September 25 and Sunday, September 26 from 9am to 4pm each day.
The Old Stone Mill NHS will be open to the public for the first time in two years, and the Old Town Hall will be holding a huge Used Book Sale — a project sponsored by the Delta Mill Society and Rideau Lakes Public Library. Books are sold by donation only, and there are thousands to choose from!
Organizers are also inte......
Reducing Your Plastic Footprint - theHumm September 2021
The Perth Library is pleased to host Rachel Salt to discuss her book Your Plastic Footprint: The Facts About Plastic Pollution and What You Can Do to Reduce Your Footprint. This virtual author talk will take place Wednesday, September 29 at 7pm on Zoom.
In her presentation, Rachel will discuss the astounding statistics about plastics and their impact on the environment. And most importantly — what we can do to make a difference. Salt is also the author of The Plastic Problem. ......
September 30th is Orange Shirt Day National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - theHumm September 2021
It’s September and you’re going to a special gathering. You’re really looking forward to it and you’ve bought a special shirt for the occasion. With high hopes, you say goodbye to your family and make the long journey to the gathering.
Upon arrival, your host doesn’t greet you by name, but gives you a number instead. Just past the foyer, you’re taken into a side room where the host cuts off your hair, takes off your clothes, scrubs you in a bath and douses you with lice powder......
Puppies, Pandemics… and Alpacas! - theHumm September 2021
By Shannon CassidyRouleau can be found communing with her herd at Ballintotas Alpacas
We’ve all heard about the increase in sales of new puppies and the movement from cities to the suburbs due to Covid. Having a companion during lockdown who made cute faces, calmed your anxieties and got you outside for a walk made a new dog in the family very attractive. Moving to less populated spaces with room to socially distance and get outside during lockdowns made perfect sense too.
But did you know that the pandemic also sparked an increase in alpaca sales and the creation of many new al......
Art Romps, Constructs, and Shows - theHumm September 2021
Constructs at Sivarulrasa Gallery
From September 22 until October 29, Sivarulrasa Gallery in Almonte is pleased to present Constructs, featuring works by artists Eric Walker and Louis Thériault. “Constructs” references the coming together of ideas, concepts and materials to create thought-provoking imagery. The exhibition can be seen in-person during regular Gallery hours: Tuesdays to Sundays, 11am to 5pm.
Born in New Brunswick, and now bas......
Perth Night Market - theHumm September 2021
Perth Tourism is pleased to present the Perth Night Market, taking place on Saturday, September 18.
The free evening event, which begins at 5pm, will provide visitors the opportunity to discover what Perth has to offer and much more. While you wander through the downtown core, you’ll encounter entertainers of all varieties. A number of artisans and vendors will line the streets, offering a glimpse into the immense talent packed into this small town and the surrounding area. Sip and savour delici......
A Good Idea Publications - theHumm September 2021
You could have the greatest idea, but if you can’t share it, it could die there. Let’s face it, it’s not everyone’s strength and that’s okay. It’s something I want to help with.
Hi there! My name is Meghan Negrijn and I’ve been living in Almonte for the last five years. I’ve been a professional editor since 2008. It’s been my side hustle but now I’m doing this full time. theHumm has given me the opportunity to reach out to you and let you know what I’m working on and what I can offer anyon......
Election. Climate. Crisis. Opportunity. - theHumm September 2021
As the federal Green Party candidate for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, I do not support this election.
There is a common theme to the feedback I receive from people in my community: this election is an unwanted, unnecessary, and irresponsible power play by the Liberal government. Still, the door of opportunity has opened to convert this election into a rallying cry for climate action. We should be grateful for this opportunity, as anyone watching the science (and the wildfires and droughts and ......
Federal Candidates for Lanark—Frontenac—KingstonClimate Network Lanark Asks… Questions of Federal Candidates for Lanark, Fr - theHumm September 2021
By Chandler Swain
This summer has made abundantly clear that the Climate Crisis is out of control, that there is “No Safe Place,” that we are in Code Red. What is less well known is that local municipal governments control or influence half of all greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted through their decisions on roads and buildings; how we move ourselves between home, work, school, and commercial and civic centres; what food we access; and how we construct our buildings, develop our communities and protect, preserve and expand our natural spaces.
The Climate Crisis is THE primary issue of this election. CNL is......
A Tale of Two Chefs - theHumm September 2021
By David Hinks
A Tale of Two Cities, the 1859 novel by Charles Dickens, is set amidst the conditions that led to the French Revolution. Perhaps parallels can be drawn with the present-day world — a reality of which is the growing concentration of wealth in the hands of the very few and the tenuous existence of the bulk of humanity. The end result is that the marginalized population depends in large measure on the volunteer efforts of those who feel drawn to “give back to the community”.
The growing of fresh......
Richard HuttonArt Gallery - theHumm September 2021
An exciting new gallery has opened in beautiful downtown Perth.
Richard James Hutton Fine Art Paintings is now installed at 53 Gore St. E., in the front of Art & Class, next to Riverguild and above Mex&Co by the canal. As the name suggests, the gallery hosts Richard’s paintings exclusively.
Richard Hutton is proud to call Perth home, and his work has been around town for a while in various locations — at Studio 87, North Folk Café, at his home studio, and in seve......
Parkinson’s SuperWalk - theHumm September 2021
Many municipalities in this area will declare (or already have declared) Saturday, September 11, 2021, as Parkinson Canada SuperWalk Day. These proclamations acknowledge that Parkinson’s Disease is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world. In fact, per capita, it is more prevalent in Canada than in most other countries in the world.
And yet, as Mayor Brant Burrow of Elizabethtown-Kitley Township observes, “Even though many people throughout the region are affected by Parkins......
Hiking Guide to the Fall Foliage Trifecta - theHumm September 2021
By Vickie Walsh
If you’ve enjoyed the summer outdoors then don’t stop now, because the best hiking season is yet to come.
Have you noticed the sumac and maples turning red in mid-August?! Signs of change, and that’s alright because fall and winter are actually my most favourite times of year to hike in our area. It’s quieter, peaceful, and most importantly — no bugs. It’s also a wonderful season to catch sunset and sunrise views from the trails.
There are three types of fall hikes that you’ll find in and aro......
Market Masala Child Haven Fundraiser - theHumm September 2021
Market Masala is the 6th annual Child Haven International fundraising event in Carleton Place. It’s a market-style, Covid-safe event in a covered outdoor space, with all proceeds going to support women and children in Child Haven homes in India, Nepal, Tibet and Bangladesh. This year’s event will be taking place on Sunday, September 26 from 3–5pm at the Carleton Place Market Square.
Here you can enjoy a del......
Back to SchoolBOX New Library Project for First Nations School in Kenora - theHumm September 2021
This fall, Almonte’s SchoolBOX charity is excited to be celebrating its 15th year of “making education possible” for kids. They’re celebrating in a big way: by building an Indigenous library in Kenora with the students and leadership at Gaagakiizhik School and Bimose High School (Kiizhik School). This school is the first of its kind in Ontario — an Indigenous-owned K-12 school serving students from the six surrounding reserves as well as the urban Indigenous population in Kenora. The Bimose Tr......
Strévé Design Fashion Show in Stewart Park - theHumm September 2021
By Cheryl Strais the owner & designer at Strévé Design in Perth
Why not get ready for fall in style with a relaxing fashion show in my backyard (which is Stewart Park!) in beautiful downtown Perth on Saturday, October 2 at 2pm. The rain date is Sunday, October 3 at 2pm. Tickets are $20 through Tickets Please ticketsplease.ca and at Strévé Design in Perth. Proceeds from the fashion show will be donated to Lanark County Interval House. This deserving non-profit organization has seen a dramat......
Fall in Love with Maple New Fall Maple Event in Lanark & District - theHumm September 2021
The Lanark & District Maple Syrup Producers’ Association (LDMSPA) is pleased to announce the launch of a brand-new maple syrup-focused event, Fall in Love with Maple. Taking place between September 25 and October 3, this is a free family-friendly event that invites visitors to discover what’s so amazing about a maple sugarbush in fall, as the leaves on the trees change from green to vibrant yellows, blazing oranges and crimson reds.
During this nine-day event, visitors are invited to take a fall road trip to visit participating sugarbushes and sample maple syrup and maple treats, lea......
How To Survive A Pandemic… On Books and Pizza - theHumm September 2021
By John Pigeau
We’re seventeen months into a pandemic now, and recently I’ve noticed people taking stock. What’s helped you through? they ask. What’s brought you comfort? How have you coped?
No one has asked me that yet. If they did, I would immediately answer: “Books.” Many, many books, in fact. So many that I’ve sometimes imagined Chief Brody from Jaws walking into my apartment, taking a look about, and saying, You’re gonna need a bigger boat. More bookshelves, is what he’d really mean, but that iconic catchphrase from Jaws seems apt right about now, so in my imagination I let Chie......
Feb 15 Back Forty Winterland
Feb 15 Frost & Fire Winter Festival
Feb 15 All You Need is Love Mix and Mingle Dance
Feb 24 - 25 Patrick Watson
Feb 28 Miss Emily Band
Mar 8 Basia Bulat
Mar 14 Cuff The Duke
Mar 21 JW Jones Band
Mar 30 Andrew Hyatt
Apr 5 Maria Doyle Kennedy
- Bryant Schwartz — Is It Art?
- A Wackadoodle Mashup of Will’s Works Studio Theatre’s The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) (revised) (again)
- Warm Up Your Winter with the Sounds of Chamber Music
- Four New Books to Keep You Cozy ’til Spring
- The Mystery of the Human Voice
- Road Warrior: Jack de Keyzer at The Cove
- Back Forty Winterland
- Lunar New Year 2025 Celebrate with Food, Fun, and Family Activities
- There Goes the Bride… Hilarious British Farce Starts the Season at The Station Theatre
- A New Year’s Letter from Mom