What Now, Lanark County? After the Coroner’s Inquest on the 2015 Murders - theHumm October 2022
What Now, Lanark County? After the Coroner’s Inquest on the 2015 Murders - theHumm October 2022
By Fern Martin
Reserve Friday, December 9 at 6:30pm for a very special event at Almonte’s Old Town Hall. “So What Now, Lanark County” will be an evening of presentations by several individuals who were involved in the recent Renfrew County Coroner’s Inquest into the 2015 murders of three women by the same man.
Tickets are $10 and will be available soon from Tickets Please (485–6434, TicketsPlease.ca). Free tickets will also be made available upon request by sending an email to whatnowlanarkcounty@gmail.com .
This event, in support of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children, has been organized by a group of passionate local advocates who believe in a community approach to social justice. The idea is to learn from the Inquest, look at the services in Lanark County, see what needs to be done to enhance the safety of women and children, and — most importantly — to stop male violence.
Renowned lawyer Pam Cross will make a presentation, which will be followed by a panel moderated by Lanark County Interval House director Erin Lee with Superintendent Derrick Needham OPP, Julie Lalonde of Renfrew County Sexual Assault, and others involved in this first-ever rural-focused inquest.
The Coroner’s Jury and Inquest into the murders of those three women resulted in 86 recommendations for a broad range of actions. It is a powerful document. Recommendation number 25 caught my eye, focusing on the education needed for real change. It states:
“Use and build on existing age-appropriate education programs for primary and secondary schools, universities and colleges. Such programs should include violence prevention, recognizing healthy and abusive relationships, identifying subtle indicators of coercive control, understanding risk factors (such as stalking, fear caused by Intimate Partner Violence, strangulations, threats to kill), managing and processing feelings, dispute resolution, community and bystander obligations, the need for safety planning and risk management, and the unique experiences in rural and urban settings.”
If, eventually, all 86 recommendations are fulfilled, just imagine what a difference that will make for our communities, rural and urban.
Lanark County Interval House and Community Support, Stir It Up Collective, and the Lanark County Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Program are pleased to be partners in this critical event.
Kudos to Bob Perreault of radio station Lake 88, who is featuring all 86 of the Jury recommendations, starting on September 22 — the seventh anniversary of the Renfrew murders. One recommendation will be read each Thursday at 8:15am as part of the news.
Kudos also to Sam Laprade of CityNews Ottawa 101.1 FM, who is hosting a six-part series on Intimate Partner Violence which started on September 22, from 1–1:30pm and will continue every Thursday. Her first interview was with Erin Lee of Lanark County Interval House.
You can find the complete list of Jury recommendations at lukesplace.ca/86-recommendations-for-change-from-the-renfrew-county-inquest .
Turpin’s Trail Returns to CP - theHumm October 2022
The Celtic-Folk band Turpin’s Trail returns to Carleton Place for a concert on November 12. Members of this Kingston-based band play over a dozen instruments and sing traditional songs as well as original tunes. They have played all over eastern Ontario and Atlantic Canada, including Newfoundland. Visit turpinstrail.com to hear their music and find out more about them.
For this show they will also feature their new member — Jessic......
Marina Raike — Halloween Alert:She Has a Skeletonin her Closet! - theHumm October 2022
By Sally Hansen
Art… and Soul
I exaggerate. She only has skulls. The Marina Raike skull sculptures currently on display in Gallery II at Sivarulrasa Gallery in Almonte are models Marina has created out of plaster and hydrocal using a human skull that had been in the collection of the Niagara Falls Museum. Welcome to the intriguing and intellectually challenging world of postmodern art.
My interview with Raike a few weeks ago was one of the most visually and intellectually stimulating encou......
Almonte in Concert’s New Season is a Classic - theHumm October 2022
Almonte in Concert is a non-profit organization that hosts chamber music concerts at the acoustically wonderful Almonte Old Town Hall, where they are privileged to welcome internationally acclaimed classical musicians in every discipline. They have just announced their 2022-23 season, and as always — it’s a classic!
The first concert of the season takes place on Saturday, October 29, and is entitled “Beethoven Rebooted”. It features a group called VC2 — two cellos in the capable hands of ......
Mississippi Mills Art Romp Returns for Thanksgiving - theHumm October 2022
The Mississippi Mills Art Romp is back again this Thanksgiving Saturday and Sunday, October 8 and 9, from 10am to 4pm daily. Over fifty artists and artisans from the Crown and Pumpkin and Maple Run Studio Tours will offer an extensive range of art, craft, design, fine food and beverages, all set in the glory of our beautiful fall season. Whether you are looking for a scenic drive to interesting places, a special gift, a personal treasure or a taste experience, this event truly offers some......
Weekly Song Circle at Equator Coffee - theHumm October 2022
A group of Ottawa Valley musicians are moving their weekly acoustic song circle to Equator Coffee’s Almonte café on Thursday evenings from 6-8pm.
The collective began meeting last October. It’s led by Almonte musician Nathan Sloniowski, who is a founding member of The Ragged Flowers band and is putting the finishing touches on his second solo album, Love Letter to Elora, for release this coming spring.
“I spent 2019 in Elora, where I had come of age in the 70s, writing m......
Two Plays inOne Exciting Evening - theHumm October 2022
By — Submitted Justin Starkweather
Great news — a double bill opens at Studio Theatre Perth on October 13!
One play is entertaining and funny. The other — intriguing, perhaps a wee bit spooky — is a real treat for mystery lovers. Hence the title of the evening: Muses and Mysteries.
The painting entitled Whistler’s Mother came about through circumstances similar to those presented in the play of the same name — though probably not as hilarious as the play, which is b......
Save the Date for MAG! - theHumm October 2022
The Merrickville Artists’ Guild is pleased to hold its pre-Christmas show and sale on November 12 from 10am to 5pm at the Merrickville Community Centre. Over thirty artists will showcase a wide variety of beautiful paintings, drawings, pottery, jewellery, woodcrafts, photography and textile arts.
The Community Centre is located at 354 Read Street — adjacent to the fairgrounds. Admission is free and parking is available on-site. For additional information, please visit mag-artists.ca or contact Nick Previsich at ...more
Expressions of Art - theHumm October 2022
The West Carleton Arts Society is delighted to announce that its signature show “Expressions of Art” will return to the Carp Fairgrounds Agricultural Hall this fall! This exhibition and sale will showcase the creative talents of more than thirty top artists from the Ottawa region, all selected through a formal, independent jurying process. The show has been held annually for more than 25 years, and returns on Thanksgiving weekend this year.
After two years......
Harvest Market Time Almonte’s Harvest and Christmas Markets - theHumm October 2022
By Hilary Chop
The vendors of the Almonte Farmers’ Market would like to thank all of our loyal patrons and friends for shopping with us on a regular basis. We would also like to welcome all of the newcomers to town! If you have not made our market part of your Saturday morning routine, this is the time of year to start. Mark these important dates on your calendar!
Our regular market season in the Almonte Library parking lot wraps up on October 15 — one week after Thanksgiving (seeing as Thanksgiving is so e......
Guatemala Stove Project Update - theHumm October 2022
The Guatemala Stove Project (GSP) is a charity run by local volunteers. These volunteers raise funds to build safe, efficient masonry cookstoves in western Guatemala. Built by Guatemalan masons of concrete, mortar and steel, the GSP-funded stoves greatly improve the lives of rural Maya families. The stoves include a metal chimney which removes toxic smoke from the home. The enclosed firebox shields children from open flames and greatly improves fuel efficiency. This saves the limited resourc......
A Celebrationof Trees at MERA - theHumm October 2022
The Arts Circle at MERA is planning a month-long celebration entitled Trees 4 Life at the MERA Schoolhouse in McDonalds Corners throughout October.
Lanark County is blessed with millions of trees, and their positive contribution to the climate and the well-being of the residents is something to be acknowledged and celebrated.
The kick-off of Trees 4 Life will be a concert by the renowned musician and environmentalist Ian Tamblyn, who present his music and stories ......
Christmas in the Valley Show 33 Years of Exceptional Gift Choices - theHumm October 2022
The Valley Artisan Show is thrilled to be returning for 2022. This year’s show takes place on November 5 and 6 from 10am to 4pm in the upper hall of the Almonte Community Centre, located at 182 Bridge Street. You are sure to find gifts with originality, quality and attention to detail, created by twenty artists and crafters presenting their original creations in a relaxed, friendly and festive atmosphere. Forgo the gift cards, big box stores and stressful malls, and mak......
Come to the Casino! Perth Chamber Hosts Celebration of Businesses - theHumm October 2022
The Perth & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that the annual Business Awards of Excellence will be celebrated in casino style on Thursday, October 20. Recognizing that the last couple of years have been difficult for businesses, the chamber wants to recognize that all their businesses are “winners” for persevering through the trials and tribulations of Covid-19.
This year’s event welcomes everyone out for a fun evening to support local businesses. “We wanted to put on an event that brings our business community together for an evening of celebration,” explains ......
Library After Dark Suzie Ungerleider to Play Perth Library - theHumm October 2022
Library After Dark returns to the Perth & District Library on Saturday, November 5 with a night of music by acclaimed Canadian singer-songwriter Suzie Ungerleider.
Library After Dark is a special fundraising concert series that offers a chance for people who love music to see top-notch artists in an uncommon space.
Born in Northeastern US and raised in Western Canada, Suzie Ungerleider began performing under the name Oh Susanna in the mid-1990s, winning instant praise for her str......
Every Old PlaceHas its Stories An interview with Author Jim McEwen - theHumm October 2022
By John Pigeau
At the heart of the novel Fearnoch, says author Jim McEwen, is a plea to its characters — “to remember the basics: be humble, be honest, and remember your neighbour is more like you than you think.”
McEwen, who grew up in Dunrobin, says the plea might be basic and even cheesy, but he adds: “I do think bad things happen when we forget to be humble and honest, and when we forget that our neighbour across the fence line, whether or not we agree with them on everything, is also a hum......
Worried about the climate crisis? Vote! Climate on the Ballot in Municipal Election - theHumm October 2022
By Susan Brandum
Four years ago, I ran for election in my township of Drummond/North Elmsley. I picked up at the door that there was a change in the wind, people were genuinely concerned about the climate crisis.
I didn’t run this year because I have turned my attention to developing a local community organization, Climate Network Lanark (with my colleague Gord Harrison), and to contributing to the development of an aggressive county-wide Climate Action Plan.
Things have changed ......
Garden of Mana - theHumm October 2022
Until October 28, Almonte’s Sivarulrasa Gallery is delighted to present Garden of Mana, artist Gizem Candan’s first solo exhibition. The show can be seen in-person during regular Gallery hours: Tuesdays to Saturdays from 11am–5pm, and Sundays from 11am–4pm.
Gizem Candan was born in 1996 in Istanbul, Turkey. From 2014 to 2019, she earned two undergraduate degrees from Yeditepe University in Istanbul, one in graphic design and the other in plastic arts and painting, both w......
Samantha Martin Shakes the Cove Blues on the Rideau Season Starts on October 28 - theHumm October 2022
Samantha Martin belts out Delta blues, soul, funk and R&B with a voice that literally shakes the foundations with its strength and passion. Backed by her terrific band Delta Sugar, she has been a force on the Canadian Blues scene since her début album Send the Nightingale came out in 2015, earning her four Maple Blues Award nominations. Her next two albums — Run to Me (2019) and The Reckless One (2022) — both earned her Juno Award nominations, and she’s had a staggering......
Sketchy Santa — Take Two! - theHumm October 2022
Two three years ago, Rob and Kris Riendeau (aka Humm Team Productions) presented their show Who Stole Christmas from Mississippi Mills at the Almonte Old Town Hall. That musical parody sold out all performances and was a ton of fun for all involved. This December they are back with their new undertaking, Sketchy Santa — Holiday Shorts, which they attempted to put on in 2021, only to be thwarted by you-know-what. Foolishly optimistically, they are trying it again this year, so Rob Rien......
Just Say Thank You - theHumm October 2022
By Glenda Jones
A lesson from our favourite son- in- law, Uwe. We were out for dinner, and when the bill came there was the usual tussle over who was going to pay. Uwe deftly picked up the bill, and quietly said, “Just say thank you”. So easy, so refined. From then on, we’d settle the paying scheme before we left the house, so there was no hassle at the end of a beautiful meal. For the non-paying party, a simple “thank you” sufficed, knowing that the next time, the tables would be turned.
The art of “t......
Fall Colours Walkon Blueberry Mountain - theHumm October 2022
One of the best places in Lanark County to witness a panoramic view of fall colours is from the top of Blueberry Mountain at cliffLAND. On October 15, come on out for a special fundraising day to learn more about and help support the conservation work of the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust (MMLT). Come and hike the gently rising trail at your own time and pace and enjoy one of the Seven Wonders of Lanark County. Ecologists will be on-site throughout the day to answer any questions you may ......
The Wondrousnessof Coral Reefs - theHumm October 2022
We may think we know coral reefs, yet most of us have never seen one up close. And people alive today could be among the last to ever see a living reef. In an upcoming talk at St. Andrew’s United Church in Pakenham, reef ecologist Peter Sale will use stories from coral reefs to reveal their sheer wondrousness — simple stories, complicated stories, stories about their history, their architecture, their value, and especially about the amazing lives of their creatures.......
The Importance and Power of Compost - theHumm October 2022
By — Will Affleck is a local Almonte resident and founder of a new, topsecret compost initiative. Feeling brave? Check it out: <justgoodcompost.com>
I admit it, I often feel overwhelmed when it comes to climate change. Like you, I see footage of the wildfires, droughts, floods and the record-setting heat waves across the world, including Canada. But rather than sparking outrage, these images often make me feel helpless. I try to do my bit: my family gardens, we have bicycles. But with multinational corporations and petrol states such as China and the U.S. pumping out a continuous stream of carbon dioxide, how much difference can my fam......
Fate, Destiny and Self-determination - theHumm October 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has made all of us more aware of the impact of isolation on our wellbeing. This sense of isolation forms the underpinnings of an art installation launched in 2016. Coordinated by textile artist Line Dufour, with the participation of over 500 international makers, Fate, Destiny and Self-determination was created as an initiative to reduce the isolation artists experienced in their artistic process using social media, planned hands-on events and gathering them together to exhibit th......
Pieces of Me - theHumm October 2022
By Chelsea Charlebois
Nine years ago my world fell apart. The darkness settled in and life as I knew it no longer existed. It swallowed me completely and I began the biggest fight of my life for survival. I began searching for ways to live with the darkness. It was my reality and I felt like nobody understood just how REAL it was. I found poetry, which helped me to not feel so alone. And I found art, which helped me to express myself.
I lived in the darkness for five years battling my demons. I learned to accept them,......
What Now, Lanark County? After the Coroner’s Inquest on the 2015 Murders - theHumm October 2022
By Fern Martin
Reserve Friday, December 9 at 6:30pm for a very special event at Almonte’s Old Town Hall. “So What Now, Lanark County” will be an evening of presentations by several individuals who were involved in the recent Renfrew County Coroner’s Inquest into the 2015 murders of three women by the same man.
Tickets are $10 and will be available soon from Tickets Please (485–6434, TicketsPlease.ca). Free tickets will also be made available upon request by sending an email to whatnowlanarkcounty@gmail.com .
This event, in supp......
“Fall” in Love with Perth! - theHumm October 2022
The temperature may be cooling down, but the events in Perth are continuing to heat up! October kicks off with the return of the Perth Night Market on Saturday, October 1. The evening will feature a variety of entertainment, including musicians and street performers, 80+ artisans and vendors, and many of Perth’s restaurants and businesses will be open late.
Get into the Halloween spirit with the famous Perth Ghost Walk starting from the Perth Museum on October 27, 28 and 29. Pe......
Pssst… Where’s theBest Cocktail Bar? - theHumm October 2022
By Kris Riendeau
OK — I admit that being the editor of a paper that covers the arts and entertainment scene in the small towns of the Ottawa Valley has made me somewhat partial to the small towns of the Ottawa Valley, but I feel confident in telling you, dear readers, that the best cocktail bar in Ottawa is located in Smiths Falls.
How do I define “best”? Unpretentious, delicious, imaginative, affordable (seriously), locally-sourced food, and connected to other local treasures. Not to mention friendly an......
Is High Tech Only for Rich Countries? - theHumm October 2022
Modern technology has contributed immensely to higher incomes and longer lives in rich countries, and almost all work in these countries relies heavily on the use of high tech. Low- and middle-income countries lag far behind high-income countries in harnessing technological opportunities, but want to emulate rich countries and use technologies to increase their income and enhance quality of life. Many attempts to inject high tech in these countries have, however, had disappointing results. This has led some to argue that low-income countries do not need high tech but rather clean water an......
Feb 15 Back Forty Winterland
Feb 15 Frost & Fire Winter Festival
Feb 15 All You Need is Love Mix and Mingle Dance
Feb 24 - 25 Patrick Watson
Feb 28 Miss Emily Band
Mar 8 Basia Bulat
Mar 14 Cuff The Duke
Mar 21 JW Jones Band
Mar 30 Andrew Hyatt
Apr 5 Maria Doyle Kennedy
- Bryant Schwartz — Is It Art?
- A Wackadoodle Mashup of Will’s Works Studio Theatre’s The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) (revised) (again)
- Warm Up Your Winter with the Sounds of Chamber Music
- Four New Books to Keep You Cozy ’til Spring
- The Mystery of the Human Voice
- Road Warrior: Jack de Keyzer at The Cove
- Back Forty Winterland
- Lunar New Year 2025 Celebrate with Food, Fun, and Family Activities
- There Goes the Bride… Hilarious British Farce Starts the Season at The Station Theatre
- A New Year’s Letter from Mom