Hygge Your Home!
Turning Your Space into a Calming, Comfortable Sanctuary - theHumm May 2020

Hygge Your Home!
Turning Your Space into a Calming, Comfortable Sanctuary - theHumm May 2020

One morning a few weeks back I ordered a book from the wonderful indie bookstore two blocks from my home. I was feeling sad and scared, lonely and anxious. Books often calm my nerves. So I chose one I thought might bring me some comfort. By 5pm the book — The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking — was in my mailbox and it was beautiful just to look at, the cover art joyful and comforting. I plunked down on my couch and began reading, in short spurts.

Page after page I was charmed and delighted, and I fell in love with the book almost immediately.

Hygge is a Danish word, I discovered, and it’s difficult to define, but is often used by Danes to describe a quality of cosiness that makes them feel content and comfortable. It can also refer to cozy and comfortable surroundings — a cabin, for instance, or a home that invokes an inner sense of contentment and well-being.

What better time than now, I kept thinking, to explore this way of being? Our homes, big or small, fancy or modest, are where we’re spending a great deal of our time, especially now — and we will be for weeks, it sounds like, and maybe months. So, what better time to explore “the art of creating intimacy”? What better time to take “pleasure from the presence of soothing things”?

“The Danes are obsessed with cosiness,” Wiking writes. This made me laugh. Then I thought, well, so am I. So, too, are a lot of Canadians, I think — especially now, when feeling cozy and secure in our environments feels more important than ever before. So if you’d like to create an atmosphere of hygge in your home, where to start?

Well if you want to think like a Dane, you begin with candles. Not scented candles. Danes prefer natural and organic candles, and lots of them. They create caves of warm light in any room. Candlelight is elementally comforting, it would seem. Just be sure to air out any room after burning candles for a time; and make sure, of course, that the kids or the cats or dogs don’t knock them over.

Next you’ll want to focus on making a nook, or a hyggekrog, as the Danes call it. That comforting spot in a room where you plop down with a good book, a warm blanket, lots of cushions and a nice cup of tea. This will be your go-to space for self-soothing, to relax, to breathe. So candles are in order, of course, or a lamp with soft lighting. A stack or a shelf of good books is a must. Board games are good too. Anything vintage will give this space an added feeling of cosiness and simplicity, especially if it’s made of wood — timeworn crates or a nice old rocking chair, maybe a few wooden toys or candle holders or a bowl filled with fruit.

A crate of well-loved vinyl records would be a lovely touch, too, as might a wooden turntable or a vintage one from the ’70s, say. There is something so very comforting about the crackle and hiss you hear when a turntable’s needle sets down on a favourite vinyl record.

You’ll want plenty of cushions, big or small, to sink into, and a blanket to slide under or throw over your shoulders for comfort, even if you’re not particularly cold. Wool and fleece are warmer fabrics, cotton is normally light. Feel free to improvise. Vintage or earthy art would work really well in a nook, too. Art can make a space feel more soothing and mark it as uniquely your own.

The idea of the nook, after all, is to craft a small space where you feel safe, secure and tucked away; where everything is familiar, predictable, and yes, soothing. Your nook could be by a fireplace if you have one, or perhaps by a window. Just like wooden things make us feel close to nature, so too does looking out over green space or a garden.

If you don’t have a window overlooking green space, you can quite easily bring nature inside. Scatter pinecones and acorns or walnuts on your coffee table or bureau; place a plant or a simple vase of flowers on a bench or in a windowsill. Paint colours can also help — painting a room a light blue might remind you of a pleasant summer sky. Add in some earthy browns and forest greens, and you can conjure the feel of an outdoor space fairly easily.

Don’t forget ceramics. The Danes are big on ceramics. They love simple but nice teapots and favourite mugs — things that add charm and texture. They enjoy the way things feel — not just how they look — thus their preference for wooden surfaces over steel, plastic or glass. And whether it’s an old lamp, table or chair, vintage items (as in many Canadian cottages) invoke a sense of nostalgia and comfort.

The key is to allow yourself to relax, experience the simple pleasures, “knowing,” Wiking writes, “that everything is going to be OK.”

“Hygge is humble and slow,” he adds. “It is choosing rustic over new, simple over posh, and ambience over excitement.”

You don’t have to spend a whole lot of money to adapt an attitude of slow and simple living. Ultimately, it’s all about how your surroundings make you feel.

I love the “hygge emergency kit” suggested in this book. Its contents: candles, good-quality chocolate, your favourite tea, your favourite book or film, jam, a good pair of woollen socks, a selection of your favourite letters and photos, a notebook, paper and a pen, a nice blanket, and music — preferably vinyl records, but any music in a pinch.

Again, you can improvise. This is your environment. Your sanctuary. Your well-being. And these are your moments.

There is so much more to hygge, and its authentic and warm hominess — which is essentially the Canadian translation of hygge — is easy to create. It’s fun too, and pretty stress-free. I highly suggest buying this sweet little book, reading it in your most comfortable space, and giving the slow-and-simple life a go.

Hygge-ing Locally

To help out, we’ve compiled a short list of delightful businesses in the Ottawa Valley that sell a lot of the things mentioned in this column:

Riverguild Fine Crafts for art and crafts riverguild.com

Mariposa Design in Perth and Elizabeth Interiors in Smiths Falls for fun home décor facebook.com/mariposa.design.Perth , facebook.com/ElizabethInteriorsSmithsFalls

The Amish Store in Balderson for wooden furniture theamishstore.ca

That’s the Spirit in Almonte for candles, incense etc. facebook.com/ThatsTheSpiritAlmonte

The Floral Boutique in Carleton Place for fresh flowers thefloralboutique.ca

Whistlewood Custom Woodworking & Design for wooden candle holders and much more whistlewood.ca  

Mill Street Books in Almonte, The Book Nook in Perth, and Arlie’s Books in Smiths Falls for — you guessed it — books! millstreetbooks.com , thebooknookperth.com , facebook.com/ArliesBooks By John Pigeau


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Hygge Your Home!
Turning Your Space into a Calming, Comfortable Sanctuary
- theHumm May 2020

One morning a few weeks back I ordered a book from the wonderful indie bookstore two blocks from my home. I was feeling sad and scared, lonely and anxious. Books often calm my nerves. So I chose one I thought might bring me some comfort. By 5pm the book — The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking — was in my mailbox and it was beautiful just to look at, the cover art joyful and comforting. I plunked down on my couch and began reading, in short spurts.

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On This Month’s Cover - theHumm May 2020

A veritable garden of art!

(clockwise from top left)

Claire Jacobs, clairejfineart.com

Sally Hansen, ...more